Pelatron Technologies LLC (PTech) is an experienced provider of engineering and Information Technology support services for military and commercial customers, and an innovator of tactical communication technologies.
We specialize in systems engineering, mechanical, IT/Network engineering, software development and support, cable and electro-mechanical manufacturing, logistics support, project management and other technical solutions for government and commercial customers. PTech is AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 certified, and our professional staff carry PMP, MCITP, Certified Cable Installation certifications, UCACE Construction Quality Management, and other certifications.
Our headquarters and primary manufacturing facilities are located in Lindon and Clearfield, Utah with regional offices in Clearfield, Utah; Honolulu, Hawaii; Scottsdale, Arizona; Huntsville, Alabama; and Washington D.C.. PTech employs over 90 engineers, management and support professionals and contract staff across the country.
PTech started in late 2011, and is a Native Hawaiian Organization (NHO)-owned small disadvantaged business. It is majority owned by the Pelatron Center for Economic Development (PCED), a Native Hawaiian Organization.
About PTech
ISO 9001:2015
Our Mission
To provide the highest quality services to our valued customers.
To use innovative processes to constantly improve our service offerings.
Quality Policy
PTech is committed to achieving customer satisfaction by providing quality products delivered on time. We accomplish this while maintaining profitability through use of efficient processes and the continual improvement of our Quality Management System.
The Company's quality policy is available to interested parties and is maintained as documented information that is communicated, understood, and applied throughout the organization.
Our Hawaiian Values

Our Logo/PCED
Pelatron Technologies is majority owned by the Pelatron Center for Economic Development (PCED), a Native Hawaiian Organization. PCED is a not for profit organization created to advance economic opportunities for the Native Hawaiian community.
PCED provides educational and entrepreneurial opportunities that empower industrious Native Hawaiian individuals to fulfill their true potential and successfully lead their communities towards a prosperous future. The profits contributed from PTECH help fund PCED's entrepreneurial and cultural community programs.
Pelatron Technologies' logo possesses significant cultural and spiritual meaning. The makau, or Hawaiian fishhook, is incorporated in the logo. In ancient Hawai‘i, the makau was fashioned from bone, whale tooth, shell and wood and used by fisherman to catch fish near the shore and in the open ocean. It was also an important symbol referenced in Hawaiian mythology. At PTECH, the Hawaiian fishhook symbolizes strength, prosperity, innovation and community sharing.

Our Leadership
President and Chief Executive Officer
Engineering and Technology
Mr. Jeremy Cutler
Quality Management
Mr. Mike Lo
Corporate Communications/Bid & Proposal
Ms. Janice Kato
Contracts Administration/Security
Mr. Kapono Kim
Program Management
Mr. Mark Piena (Pacific Region)
Mr. Ross Barcarse (Mountain Region)
Finance and Accounting
Mr. Phil Smith (Finance)
Ms. Carrie Cup Choy (Accounting)